Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Srutadeva dasa and Basmattie Goberdhan

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 92 views

Our dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Gauranga, and Radha-Krsna.

It is our best fortune to be able to write an offering on the occasion of your Vyasa-puja. Even though we are not eligible to do any devotional service, it is by your kindness and unconditional love that we are still connected with devotees. My Guru Maharaja, I am having more difficulties fulfilling my duties as I progress in years. I am having a lot of pains and health problems, but I’m trying to do my service. I do not let obstacles hold me back. I chant my rounds, I try to do some service at home on my altar, but the only thing is that I feel like I am disobeying you because I don’t reach at the temple and do the service that you ordered me to do when I become a brahmana. I went two or three times when the temple president told me to go my service, but I live very far and it is very difficult for me to drive so early in the morning for mangala arati.

My Guru Maharaja, I love you very much, you are my only hope. I want to live under your lotus feet eternally. I don’t wish for anything more. Let your lotus feet always be my umbrella. That is my desire, birth after birth. Your appearance gives pleasure to your disciples, always.

I must thank you for accepting me as your disciple,
Srutadeva dasa and Basmattie