Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Vedavati devi dasi

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 55 views

Is your birthday.
Gratitudes to Gurudeva,
For bestowing me the path of truth,
And guiding me at all moments
on my bewildering road of life.

My respectable and beloved Gurudeva,
Let me tell you,
My life path is not merry and smooth,
I am not able to firmly carry out your teachings;
And am not able to be responsible and giving enough
to my god brothers and sisters;
and am not kind and compassionate enough
to the general public.

My dear Gurudeva,
Let me tell you,
I am not at ease with life;
And am often upset about the
Gains and loss of relationships and money;
And am still attached
To fame and interests;
And am not diligent enough
In my work and career;
And am not considerate enough
While dealing with other people.

My merciful and great Gurudeva,
Today I want to tell you with my heart and soul,
That with your merciful blessings,
I pray that our devotional service will boom up,
And that I could help the general people.
I wish to cleanse up my anartha from now on,
In order to eventually be truthful and sincere
with our family members.

On this special day,
I respectfully pray and wish you my respectable Gurudeva
health and longevity,
So that you would guide more humble souls
to get out from the material mire and return to Godhead.

Deep obeisances,

Tour child,
Vedavati devi dasi