Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Garga Rsi dasa and Radhika Ramana devi dasi

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 72 views

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate romapada-svamin iti namine

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to to Srila Prabhupada!

You lit up our lives when we heard you were selected to go into that difficult atmosphere of China and deliver the supreme science of Krsna consciousness. The government has been abusive in the past and extremely anti-religion. But because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (Krsna Himself) predicted the holy names of Krsna and Rama will be heard in every town and village in our planet, China was not an exception.

In order to convey this supreme science to the receptive bhaktas, Krsna removed the paper tiger, as nothing in this material world can be a barrier to contain Krsna and His holy names. You are a true yogi worthy of our worship. You are steady in your faith in executing devotional service unto the Lord. This is why Krsna has made the arrangements for you to go to China and deliver His message. It takes a pure devotee who has years of undisturbed devotional service to awaken the dormant love for Krsna in the hearts of those waiting for the right guru to appear. You are like the heat in fire and those that are around you will feel the warmth of divine power emanating from a true representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. With devotional service to the Lord, you make sure your responsibilities (disciples) are informed with knowledge gleaned and shared with them.

yoginam api sarvesam
sraddhavan bhajate yo mam
sa me yuktatamo matah

“And of all yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me—he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion” and our humble opinion too.

May the Lord continue to bless you and give you continued strength and health to deliver the fallen souls. We remain your humble servants until the Lord is ready to remove us from this place of misery.

Your humble servants,
Radhika Ramana devi dasi and Garga Rsi dasa