Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Giri and Bhavani

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 92 views

Respected Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krsna.
Please accept our most humble obeisances in the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Though we are NOT qualified, we are taking this opportunity to express a few words of gratitude on this most auspicious Vyasa-puja day. With your blessings only, we are expressing these few words of our gratitude. Please forgive us if there are any mistakes.

I realize that your grace is always available with us, in the form of your disciples, and in the form of the systems you have instituted for taking care of devotees. We always feel the presence of Krsna through you only. Guru only knows which is beneficial to fallen souls based on their level of consciousness. Accordingly Guru gives instruction(s) to that person. We also realized the importance of Guru in one’s life. We really experienced this in our lives.

Only because of your mercy, the movement from Chicago to Hyderabad was very smooth without going to Chennai (our base work location). You understood our situation and mercifully arranged the great devotee association here in Hyderabad. We are receiving the mercy through your disciples. Children have also adjusted quickly here in Hyderabad with the studies as well as the environment without any issues. Our elder daughter Madhuvani was able to cope up in the studies (now she is in 10th grade) here because of the strength she got through your instruction only.

My work hours are very odd (working till midnight 12:30AM or beyond). But I am getting the strength through your descending mercy which enables me to work and do sadhana.

Though we are not qualified, we are engaged in a little service and are able to do the service because of your mercy only.

All the above things happened in our lives because of your mercy only. How merciful you are towards the fallen souls.

We are receiving a lot of mercy and strength through your shelter and your disciples though we are not qualified. Please give us strength to serve Prabhupada’s mission by serving you and your disciples.

Gurudeva, let our appreciation for you grow every day. Let us realize your transcendental position. And let us become sincere and serious disciples of yours.

On this auspicious Vyasa-puja, your appearance day, we are praying to you Maharaja to give your protection continuously, and blessings to progress in Krsna consciousness, and to bring up children in this path.

Your aspiring servants,
Bhaktin Bhavani and Bhakta Giri