Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Nrtya Gauranga dasa, Laksmi Priya devi dasi, and Bhaktin Radha

Estimated reading: 5 minutes 84 views


nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate romapada-svamin iti namine

mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim
yat-krpa tam aham vande sri gurum dina-taranam

Our most beloved and dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Guru Maharaja, we are eternally indebted to you for giving shelter at the dust of your lotus feet. We would like to take this wonderful opportunity and speak few words in your glorification, although it is unending to glorify your transcendental qualities.

Guru Maharaja, you are one of the most confidential servitors of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krsna, as you are always engaged in the Lord’s most confidential service of delivering the conditioned souls. We are sure you are very dear to Srila Prabhupada and Lord krsna, as you are always prepared to go anywhere in the world to render the confidential service of preaching Krsna Consciousness, in spite of any material inconveniences.

Guru Maharaja, we notice that you are deeply interested in the spiritual welfare of everyone, especially young children, as they are the future of ISKCON, and you are always eager to see them engaged in Krsna conscious activities. Here is a testimony for that: During your last visit to Seattle in June, when I came to see you along with my daughter, you showered so much mercy on us, especially on my daughter by engaging her in a wonderful conversation with you and enquiring about her sadhana and Krsna conscious activities and finally inspiring her to increase her every day Japa from 4 to 6 rounds. Seeing your loving conversation with her, I couldn’t check my tears. I could feel deep in my heart, how much true love and care you bear for the children and their spiritual growth as well. In fact, that was one of the most cherished moment in my life. With your blessings and inspiration, Radha is now chanting 6 rounds every day.

Guru Maharaja, in this dark age of kali, it’s very hard to find someone like you, who is selflessly extending himself to one and all, whose heart is full of compassion for the fallen conditioned souls, whose life is fully dedicated and committed in service to His spiritual master, who travels constantly without taking any breaks and caring least for his own health. It is not possible for us (conditioned souls) to even fathom on some of your divine qualities as they are unlimited. Year after year, we are gradually realizing your amazingly wonderful qualities and every time we feel that we are much more grateful for your presence in our lives. We are very fortunate to have your esteemed association and there is no doubt about it. The countless austerities and inconveniences you go through day after day, month after month, year after year remain most of the time unknown to many of us. Just like a director behind the curtains, you orchestrate all the things necessary for us to perform our devotional service. On this auspicious day, we pray that we can always imbibe the same mood (the mood of humble and loving service) that you always wanted your disciples to cultivate.

Guru Maharaja, here are some of exemplary quality that becomes a part of my meditation: Punctuality, Sincerity, Discipline, Ability to manage many tasks for ISKCON in a leadership role and doing the right thing and not being effected by the glory or criticism. Being well prepared and well organized in any situation, Always attentive to the welfare of your disciples and all others who look upon you, and not but the least, your undivided attention and attraction towards Srimad Bhagavatam. Also the most attractive thing is your sincere dedication to the orders of your spiritual master (Srila Prabhupada). Without any separate endeavor, you dedicate every moment of your life to spread Srila Prabhupada‘s mission (spreading Krsna consciousness to all the fallen conditioned souls around the globe) untiringly, in a humble mood of service. All glories to your sincere endeavors.

Guru Maharaja, on this very auspicious day of your Vyasa puja, we earnestly beg you to shower your mercy and bless us, so that we can faithfully fulfill all the responsibilities of a disciple, a husband, a father and a mother and become fully fixed in Krsna Consciousness throughout our life. We pray at the dust of your lotus feet to always be engaged in your service, in thoughts, words, speech and actions. We seek your merciful blessings to mature and improve ourselves in cultivating Vaisnava qualities that are pleasing to our parampara and Your Divine Grace and always remain your humble servants forever and follow your instructions sincerely.

We humbly pray to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Neelamadhava, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Nrsimha Dev that they always empower you with abundant spiritual strength and shower their causeless mercy on you. We are very blessed to have you as our spiritual master and we beg to remain always in the shade of your divine lotus feet.

We beg your forgiveness, for any offenses committed towards you knowingly or unknowingly and we wish you all auspiciousness in your life’s mission to serve Srila Prabhupada and as well as wish you a very healthy long life ahead. Though we have received tons of mercy and love from Your Divine Grace, we are finding our self very incompetent to express our gratitude for your love and kindness. We humbly beg you, to please accept this little offering as a token of our love and gratitude towards you.

Once again, thank you Guru Maharaja, for giving us all your love, care, attention and guidance.

All glories unto you!

Hare Krsna,

Your insignificant and eternal servants,
Nritya Gauranga dasa, Laksmi Priya devi dasi and Bhaktin Radha