Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Prakash, Trupti, and Gandharvika

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 66 views

My dear Father and respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you!

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Gosvami Maharaja says that a platform speaker can only preach to the audience but a person who can provide personal instructions to a fallen soul provides a lot more benefit for such a soul. You, dear Guru Maharaja, have always so causelessly and compassionately guided and instructed me during all these years. It is these instructions and your blessings that has actually kept me alive both spiritually and physically. I have no doubt about it. Thank you for always being so kind to take your precious time for a fallen soul like me. I would not have survived without you Guru Maharaja.

You have very causelessly instilled faith in the holy name and the holy scriptures by both your actions and words. No matter how difficult the circumstance, you have always thought that Krsna is kind and you have guided us in seeing the hand of the sweet Lord trying to pull us close to Him. You have impelled me to believe, trust, and depend solely on Krsna, all the while reassuring that you will always be there; we need to always be attached to your lotus feet all the time as the boat journey in this tumultuous material world is not always smooth. Thank you for your captaincy, Guru Maharaja.

Being an expert master you have very gently but surely inculcated deep faith in both Guru and Krsna in our heart. There has never been a time when you were not there to help and guide. And the beauty of it all is you do this for each and every one of your disciple. This is your mighty compassion, Guru Maharaja.

Your touch has the power to melt away barriers in the heart and refine our focus in this human form of life. No matter how much I thank you from the bottom of my heart it will still be insufficient for the mercy that you have shown upon us. We are totally so undeserving of it yet we deeply cherish it as the utmost benediction.

Your kind instructions during my most difficult times, you allowing us to worship the merciful “Nitai Gaura Nataraja” detites, your kindness on little Gandharvika, your removing all obstacles on our progress in our spiritual life, and your very kindly accepting us — there is no end to the amount of compassion and mercy that you have shown us.

You have always been giving and giving and giving. Our hearts are filled with immense gratitude for all your gifts Guru Maharaja – yet there is one gift that we beg you of and that is the gift of eternal service to your lotus feet.

We beg that we can eternally serve and please you always dear Guru Maharaja, and never leave your lotus feet.

Eternally your extremely grateful servants,
Prakash, Trupti, and Gandharvika