Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Pran Gauranga dasa and Dana Gati devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 70 views

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept our respectful humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are very fortunate to have this opportunity to express our feelings of appreciation and gratitude for so many merciful gifts which you have given to us.

When we think about the greatest gift in our lives the first thing which comes in to our consciousness is your personal presence and your presence through your vani. Both of them have benefited us so much. Being in ignorance we are helpless. There is no way that conditioned souls like us can come out of their suffering condition by themselves. Only by the causeless descending mercy we can be lifted up. We are so fortunate that Krsna has sent you in our lives, and that our lives have got some meaning to them.

It is because of hearing daily from you our desire to strive sincerely in devotional service is nourished. This hearing process is so important that just by carefully hearing and by eagerly trying to apply what one has heard all one’s material conceptions can be cleansed. Clearing material conceptions by any other means is impossible. And as long as one has material conceptions one will be obliged to remain in this material world. We are always so inspired by hearing your vani. It always uplifts us and gives us the encouragement and desire to strive sincerely to further our devotional service.

Chanting of the holy name is another very, very precious gift which you have mercifully given to us. We are understanding the importance of chanting by hearing from you. We are also understanding that coming to the stage of offense-less chanting is not within our capacity. It is only possible by receiving descending mercy coming through the spiritual master in one’s life.

Maharaja we would like to submit to you that though the path of spiritual life is very sublime it is not easy to proceed on this path so easily on one’s own efforts. Due to our impurities of heart we are finding so many obstacles to move forward on this path. The only hope which we have in our lives is your causeless mercy. We are very weak and cannot withstand the forces of material energy. It is only because of your support we are moving on this path. Without your mercy there is no hope.

Our earnest prayer is that may both of us always hold on to your divine lotus feet sincerely as our only shelter. And kindly give us the strength that we could discard all duplicity, pride, and other unwanted desires from our hearts which are keeping us away from taking genuine shelter in you. Please give us strength that we always remain humble and can cultivate genuine love and attachment for Your Divine Grace. This is our humble appeal unto you.

We beg forgiveness from you for all our immaturity, mistakes, and offenses.

Please accept our prostrated humble obeisances again and again.

Your aspiring servants,
Pran Gauranga dasa and Dana Gati devi dasi