Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

Ambika devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 51 views

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my most humble obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to dear Gurudeva!

On this auspicious day, I really appreciated that you came here during National Holiday in your busy schedule; thank you very much for bringing mercy to us by wonderfully explaining Queen Kunti’s prayers. Your exquisite, rich experience, and practical explanations touch our dormant consciousness in the deep core of the heart and help us understand the relationships established between the Supreme Soul and the individual soul, and these relationships between the soul and soul can be established through the medium of Paramatma. You use practical examples to let us better understand how important for our spiritual life to nicely deal with relationship between the soul and soul. You also quote many verses from Bhagavad-gita in order to teach us how to use Krsna’s teachings to give lessons and how to apply into the daily life. You let us better remember Krsna and never forget Krsna by combining the scripture and practice together. You tell us when one puts Krsna in the heart, Krsna will give him intelligence by which he can see everything. You instruct us to practice sadhana nicely and follow the footprint of great souls such as Queen Kunti, in this way, one can attain the ultimate goal of life, go back home, go back to Godhead.

By vapu-seva this time, I have a lot of gains and feelings. By your wisdom, broad mind and noble characters, you not only influence and inspire new and old devotees, but also impel your disciples to cooperate very well and uplift spiritually and touch the heart of new comers. They praise your glories and greatness. I deeply feel that it is our pride to have such a great spiritual master.

You took the trouble to endure the cold in Beijing. You took yourself out of the way to give lectures or attend outreach programs on time, although sometimes you could not take meal at a fixed time. Your selflessness spirit is engraved on my heart. It is difficult to reciprocate your kindness!

It is this time that you gave me instructions most. Indeed, this is great mercy and concern! This fallen and lazy soul really needs your teachings. Although I feel some pressure by taking heavy responsibility, I experience great bliss. I understand that your concern for your disciples’ spiritual life is very serious and meticulous. In order to uplift our Krsna consciousness, you personally communicate with your disciples individually and help them skillfully solve spiritual problem so that they feel pacified. Such a blissful mood is beyond word description! The only way is to follow and practice your instruction with a sincere heart!

I offer my gratitude to you again. Sincerely pray to Krsna to protect you forever. I wish you good health, everything goes well!

Your humble servant,
Ambika devi dasi