Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Dhananjaya Pandit dasa and Ratnavali devi dasi

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 86 views

Dear Maharaja,

Hare Krsna. Please accept our most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to your Holiness. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

During the golden jubilee celebrations of our society, some thoughts come to my mind. I feel these are very much appropriate during this time which goes like this.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had declared “War on Maya”. During the same time, Vietnam War was going on wherein many young men of US have been drafted for this war.

Many thoughtful young men did not see any good cause for fighting this war and were not interested in this. These youths have determined to keep away from fighting the war and at the same time were very much attracted by the Lord Caitanya’s Commander’s declaration of war on Maya for ten thousand years. Thus, most of the youth in US and from other countries had started to join this camp.

The Commander was very brave, having been fully equipped with the weaponry that is required to carry out the strikes on Maya. By his personal example, he followed and trained these youths in the modern warfare. He, being fully aware of the Maya’s tricks, guided his men very expertly.

Through his electrifying speeches, and personal examples, he conveyed that enemy with in is more dangerous than that of outside. It is difficult to identify the enemy within. He can penetrate into our all vulnerable areas (VAs) and vulnerable points (VPs) without our knowledge. Thus, the enemy within can cause havoc/ irreparable damage to our very self. He had also taught them that united we stand, divided we fall, purity is the force, books are the basis, preaching is the essence, utility is the principle. He had also said that he, who sweats more in peace, bleeds less in war. As Maya is always active we should be doubly alert to use the appropriate weapon to counter act the enemy’s attack.

Having taken the instructions of the Commander in Chief their very life and soul, some of the young men have risen to the position of the Generals. These Generals have mastered the Chief’s tactical combat capability with their steadfast commitment to defeat Maya, by equipping well with jamming and anti-jamming methodology, scrambling the appropriate fighter plane to nullify the effect of the enemy.

Thus, even after the Commander-in-Chief’s physical absence, these Generals have become capable of counter acting any type of attack in any weather conditions. Thus, having attained the Master Green pilot’s status that is the pilot who is capable of flying in any weather conditions, started to carry out the attacks as and when necessary to subdue the enemy, Maya. Such are the great Generals that we have of whom the entire Commander-in-Chief’s movement is proud off. Thus, we are now talking of the “Age of Kali, The advent of Golden Avatar and the declaration of war on Maya by the Commander-in-Chief of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Army”.

Now, Maharaja, your Holiness is one of these Generals who have committed to the cause of leading all of us towards the prime goal of life. You travel all-round the year to preach and also to conduct several retreats, seminars and yatras so that we do not fall prey to Maya’s tricks. You carry Krsna in your heart to give Krsna to everyone. This is your nature inherited from our Commander-in-Chief.

Thus, you distribute Krsna consciousness to all the fallen souls like us with utmost compassion. We, though not qualified, endeavor to glorify some of your qualities on your divine appearance day by which we get the benefit of your blessings.

Finally, before concluding, we sincerely offer our prayers at the Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava to grant your Holiness with a long life, good health, and happiness to enable you to preach the message of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu following in the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada and the guru parampara. Hare Krsna.

Thanking your Holiness,

Your servants,
Dhananjaya Pandit dasa and Ratnavali devi dasi