Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Jagadananda dasa and Ananda Vrndavana devi dasi

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mukum karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim
yat-krpa tam aham vande sri-gurum dina-taranam

My dear Guru Maharaja, my ever well-wisher,

Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, All glories unto you, the mercy of His Divine Grace.

Krsnadasa Kaviraja lists the twenty-six good qualities of a Vaisnava, which are exhibited by you:

(1) He is very kind to everyone. (2) He does not make anyone his enemy. (3) He is truthful (4) He is equal to everyone. (5) No one can find any fault in him. (6) He is magnanimous. (7) He is mild. (8) He is always clean. (9) He is without possessions. (10) He works for everyone’s benefit. (11) He is very peaceful. (12) He is always surrendered to Krsna. (13) He has no material desires. (14) He is very meek. (15) He is steady. (16) He controls his senses. (17) He does not eat more than required. (18) He is not influenced by the Lord’s illusory energy. (19) He offers respect to everyone. (20) He does not desire any respect for himself. (21) He is very grave. (22) He is merciful. (23) He is friendly. (24) He is poetic. (25) He is expert. (26) He is silent.

Over the last 15 years in your association, I have been blessed to witness each one of the above 26 qualities in you.

This year, I was very fortunate to serve you personally in Coimbatore. I can easily say that in serving you menially like that, I was most satisfied. The few intimate exchanges we had, when I would serve you prasadam, are unforgettable. Some of your words are etched in my heart and still ring in my ears. Your unconditional acceptance of my service, your whole-hearted appreciation of my fault-filled offering, shows how magnanimous you are. Your exchanges with everyone were impeccable; I wanted time to freeze, so I could serve you like that eternally.

I yet again thank you for the rarest of the rare gifts, the gift of pure devotional service that you have offered to me.

The journey of Gopa-kumara in Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta, especially his relationship with his spiritual master, is most endearing. Out of gratitude towards his spiritual master, he would from time to time recommit to his vow of chanting of the Madana-gopala mantra that he had received from him. He reasons, “How could I leave it mid-way, until I have attained its ultimate fruit?” For me personally, this epitomizes the attitude of sat-sisya. On your most benevolent Vyasa-puja day, I seek your unlimited mercy to follow in the footsteps of such sat-sisyas.

By your mercy, impregnation of unyielding faith by you, I have the conviction that by actually staying in the fire of pure Krsna consciousness, the above state will gradually be achieved.

I am deeply indebted to Krsna Lila Mataji – our teacher and ever well-wisher who stereophonically repeats your message of “self-integrity.” She keeps us honest and inspires us to be fearless, creative, and pure, all the while patiently waiting – a quality epitomized by you.

I am grateful to you for giving me the priceless Vaisnava association of all ages. My life is richer by each and every person’s presence in my life. What can be a bigger opulence than this?

We are extremely grateful to all the devotees that are giving us an opportunity to serve you and are receiving our service, which is undoubtedly full of faults, with utmost gratitude and grace. Without you standing behind us and their support, we would be unable to do have any standing in devotional service.

I am extremely indebted to you for engaging me in your service and pray that you continue to keep me engaged in the service of your devotees. I recommit myself to you, striving to cultivate this seed of pure devotional service which you have personally given to me, by watering it appropriately, and guarding against all offenses.

Your servant,
Jagadananda dasa and Ananda Vrndavana devi dasi