Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Jimmy and Taruni devi dasi

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 98 views

To Romapada Swami:

The splendor of an autumn day
Sun low and leaves ablaze
Reminds me of the passing year
Of time that got away

I chant my rounds in a daze
I vow to change my ways
Habits so hard to break
A heart that will not cave

Romapada is on the scene
Steady and so calm
A burden that no one can bear
He takes and then moves on

A servant of all he comes across
Treading lightly in oceans deep
A tidal wave of discontent always
landing at his feet

ISKCON: his Guru’s desire
to fructify and be sweet
Romapada is on the scene and
tries to right the wrongs
He tries to pacify the many
and keep purity the center song

The year moves on
I try to think of all my Guru does
He prays for me and
I pray for him
The seasons they circle on

If not for the slow and steady mark
Romapada, his mercy full
My spirit covered in karmic dust
My twirling mind and weakened will

Guru has coaxed me on
I may not have had a chance
To pray or chant or realize
How golden is this birth

As time goes on
I recognize the mercy I have had
The miracle is that I try to chant
That I am on the path

So all glories to you today
Guru with so much heart
You have saved me from
Maya’s arms
You have given me a start

Hare Krsna, Maharaja. Happy appearance day. Thank you for all that you do.

From your servants,
Jimmy and Taruni devi dasi