Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


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Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I would like to thank you for providing me an opportunity to write you on offering on your Vyasa-puja day. I always feel shy to write, as I am not so profound in vocabulary words, but His Grace Nityananda Pran Prabhu always says that the offering is not about writing nice words to praise the spiritual master, it is about opening our heart to glorify him for our purification.

I have heard from one of your classes that everything happens with commitment. We should know where we stand at present and try to make advancement. When I heard this I felt like I should fix my relationship strongly with Guru and Krsna, then automatically all good qualities would manifest.

Every time when I am complaining about something you always encourage me to depend on Krsna. After struggling only, we come in connection with Guru and Krsna. In my case, I remember this every time. Whenever I am in a difficult situation I depend on your words and depend on Krsna and think how Krsna is helping us in every moment.

I always wonder how you manage in replying to all our emails aside from your schedule, and I am totally touched when I get your wishes and blessings every year on my birthday. The words and verse that you send as wishes make me completely depend on Krsna and be sincere.

The relationship with the spiritual master is not sentimental. Guru means one who gives instruction. This connection is the connection to Krsna. Accepting a spiritual master means accepting his instructions. I am so honored to have this opportunity to write an offering on this most auspicious day and would like to thank the devotees for giving me this opportunity and for their wonderful service. I would also like to thank all the devotees who are supporting me in my spiritual advancement.

Please forgive me if I have commited any offenses knowingly or unknowingly. I beg for your mercy that I always remain sincere and devoted at your lotus feet and follow your instructions.

Aspiring to be your humble servant,