Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Lalita Sakhi devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 59 views

Dear respectful and beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet! All glories to Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada!

My eternal Spiritual Master, on this auspicious day, please allow me to offer my prayer from the core of my heart!

By the Lord’s grace and devotees’ mercy, I met you in China!

The first time I met you, you were arbitrarily considered by obstinate and unruly LinKe to be most impossible person of whom she would take shelter—-this is mental speculation concocted by such a deeply-covered soul!

The second time I met you, the way of thinking and profound wisdom exhibited from your lectures on Srimad-Bhagavatam made me shocked——this is the first time that this fallen soul was awakened and the first time surrendering!

The third time I met you, just your words penetrated my heart even you were absent—-at that time, I at once fell down under your lotus feet!

The fourth time I met you, 3rd of March, you let me become the most happy person—-Lalita Sakhi devi dasi!—–From that day on, you become the most important person in my life!

Now, no matter I meet you or not, you are always there, you are in the sound, you are in the instructions, you are in innumerable meditations, you are in the path of self-realization…

In the past one year, you, as a pure devotee, by your transcendental vision, you took all responsibilities for my spiritual life by looking forward the future and guiding the present. How wise, responsible and affectionate you are!

The land of Mayapura appears more divine because of your footprint!

The air of lotus building becomes more pure because of your voice!

The space in the conch building becomes more warm because of your presence!

O, the spiritual master! How to become such a disciple who can satisfy you?

How to become such a person that you want me to be?

When can I please you by my advancement?

The only way is that with cautious attitude as if treading on the thin ice and with the process of praying and austerity, I accept your instruction as the only goal, to which I approach a little, approach a little more….never give it up! Never give it up! Never give it up!

Pray to the Lord for all the auspicious to you!

Your tiny tiny servant,
Lalita Sakhi devi dasi