Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Lv Jinhong

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 91 views

Dear Romapada Swami Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Gurudeva!
When I met you for the first time, your stout figure stepped into the apartment of Bhaktin Heling, I just raised my head and saw you at the first sight! In a twinkling, as if I was hit by a stick, my mind became empty, my throat choked, tears flowed like a torrent of rain… This is beyond word description! My soul flew to you, I bowed down under your lotus feet!
Dear spiritual master (father), I took shelter of you during your visit this time, this is due to you, my dear spiritual master and father, this is due to your mercy. When I was in the most helpless, you came here to be with us so that I feel I no longer sway back and forth, I was not full of worries any more from then on. From that day, I took shelter of you! Your affection lets my heart calm down. I will do nicely what I should do! Thank you very much, dear spiritual master and father!
Dear spiritual master and father, since I took shelter of you, I also know that I should make more endeavor and should be stricter with myself on the path of devotional. Thank you for giving me instruction and I will carry it out accordingly. I have a lot of short-comings, which will take some time to be rectified. On the way to pure devotional service, I hope that spiritual father gives me more instruction and mercy. I will often write report to you and tell you my recent situation so that I can receive your guidance and mercy.
Looking forward to your visit next time!
I offer my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet again.
Your humble servant,
Bhaktin Lv Jinhong