Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

Mukesh and Renu Solanki

Estimated reading: 6 minutes 61 views

Dear Romapada Swami Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
Dear Maharaja, this is my first Vyasa-puja offering to you in written form and I am very delighted about it.
Maharaja, I heard in one of your lectures that a tree is known by its fruit. Though I am not fortunate enough to receive your personal association, at the same time I have been very fortunate to receive the association of some of your disciples. Through your disciples, their sincerity, their purity and their unconditional love towards you, I am able to understand your glories. Today, on this auspicious day of your appearance day, I would like to write few words for some of your gem-like disciples who have directly or indirectly transformed and moved my heart:
1) His Grace Yamuna Jivana Prabhu: Maharaja, I was part of your South India yatra in 2015 and your Dvaraka yatra in 2016. I hardly spoke to His Grace Yamuna Jivana during the Dvaraka yatra – hardly, but he inspired me the most!! I observed him during the yatra when he was there with his family, his good wife, and two kids. I found that Prabhu is so happy being with his family. I was kind of shocked because staying happy in Krsna consciousness with our family is just not possible. I have seen many devotee families, including my own, who are struggling in their relationships or their devotional lives and here I saw a devotee who is just happy with his family, and his family is happy too. I know that Prabhu is a very sincere devotee who was present in almost all of your lectures during the yatra and was relishing your lectures too. I still remember how lovingly Prabhu was interacting with his wife and how loving he was towards his young kids, even when they were troubling him in class. It was marvelous, Maharaja. Whenever I remember this sight of Prabhu with his family, I feel just blessed.
After seeing him, I introspected, and I am trying to follow what I have observed in him. I can see in myself how differently I deal with my wife and son.
2) His Grace Nityananda Pran Prabhu: I started hearing Bhagavatam lectures by His Grace Nityananda Pran Prabhu in 2013 on the advice of His Grace Syama-kunda Prabhu, who is my mentor. After two years, my wife and I were fortunate enough to meet him in person when he came to Bangalore in 2015. On the very first meeting he was so friendly. Next we met him in the 2016 Dvaraka yatra and on the very last day we had a very intimate and informal talk with him. There we came to know how much Prabhu is taking care of his family by keeping Krsna in center. He mentioned that taking to spiritual life is one’s own decision and it should not be forced upon anyone. Thus, we should never, ever try to force it on to the children – let them themselves decide in their lives if they want to take up to Krsna consciousness. However, being dutiful parents, we should provide a conducive environment for them to grow in Krsna consciousness.

He told us that the best way we can preach to others if we ourselves are very happy. If we ourselves struggle with our chanting or with our relationships, then new people will never be attracted towards Krsna consciousness. So he asked us to keep our health in good condition and to remain happy in our relationship. By the grace of Krsna, my wife and I both are consciously trying to follow his instructions. We both are living in harmony with each other, taking care of our health, going to bed early, etc. I can really see the change in my house after following simple but very important instruction of Nityananda Pran Prabhu.

3) His Grace Syama-kunda Prabhu: Like my wife Renu Solanki, I did not know about you, Maharaja, until I came in contact with His Grace Syama-kunda Prabhu, though I had been in the movement for a couple of years. I already knew many devotees in our local congregation who are very sincere in their devotional life, but I observed something very unique in the life of His Grace Syama-kunda Prabhu, and that attracted me to you. I saw that in spite of so many problems in his life, be it his ailing parents, dirty politics in his office, or some other personal issue, he is fixed in his service to you like a rock. No one in the world can buzz him, even an inch, in his dedication towards you, Maharaja. His whole life is molded to serve your instructions, Maharaja, and he does not know anything beyond that. That is stunning!! Being his colleague, I have lots of opportunities to have his association. He is guiding me and my wife also. Earlier I was a follower of the ritvik philosophy that is quite popular here in Bangalore, but I am thankful to Prabhu for uprooting this false and baseless philosophy from my mind, though it took 3-4 years, as I was very much convinced with it earlier.
4) Her Grace Vinodini Mataji: She is the good wife of Syama-kunda Prabhu. She is one lady I have seen who just accepts whatever Krsna sends her in her life. She just says “Yes” to Krsna. She is sacrifice personified, Maharaja. In your service, she gives all her support to her husband Syama-kunda Prabhu so that he can serve you well.
5) His Grace Yugala-Kisora Prabhu: His Grace Yugala Kisora Prabhu (Bhaskar Dongre) received initiation during this Dvaraka yatra. Though we are not very close, I found that he was always serving me during the entire yatra. His behavior has been very sweet and loving.
Dear Maharaja, kindly bless me that one day I may be able to serve your gem-like disciples in such a way that you will be pleased.
All glories to you and your gem-like disciples.
The aspiring servant of you and your disciples,