Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Natabara dasa and Prema-Manjari devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 57 views

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our prostrated humble obeisance in the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your vyasa-puja. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Happy Appearance Day! Guru Maharaja.

Guru Maharaja, it has been couple of years since we (me and my wife) got initiated. The years have gone by so fast. Maharaja, by following your instructions like reading Srila Prabhupada books and listening to your lectures, they are really helping us in going forward in my spiritual path. Many times we have realized that how important it is to read Srila-Prabhupada’s books. We thank you for continuous instruction on this as it has helped us to make the endeavor to try and read books.

The first time we were introduced to you was when you came to Tennessee, Nashville (2007). We were inspired from your lecture. We wanted to hear more from you. Since that day, we have been hearing your lectures. Your regular instructions became a vital source for us in our spiritual life. Though we are not qualified, you compassionately accepted us. We are very much thankful to you for accepting us as your disciples, Maharaja. We always look forward for your association through “vapu”, though I’m having everyday your association through “Vani”.

Each time we hear you speak, it is amazing for us that how you are able to say exactly what we need to hear. And also, we feel that you are directly speaking to me Maharaja. You are so kind and merciful that you have given us this opportunity of devotional service in our life Guru Maharaja. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to write to you on this auspicious day of your appearance.

You are showing me the power of the Holy Name to purify both the mind and body from all material contamination, for ever-increasing engagement in devotional service. For this we are eternally grateful. We pray that the instructions you have, so kindly, given us become one with my heart, so we can serve you selflessly with sincerity and devotion.

You pay great attention to every detail of your disciples and guide them in right direction for spiritual growth. You also show us by example that how not to waste God-given resources and how to value them even little things. We are so much indebted to you for the guidance and direction that you give through various mediums. Even though you are physically somewhere else, we always feel your presence in our daily lives. Our sincere gratitude to you for the dedication, guidance, and training. Your seminars and retreats are immensely helping us to understand and assimilate so many commentaries and mood of our acaryas.

Day by day I realize more obvious that this world is not my real home, that those people called “relatives” are not the closest people in reality (even the children and parents). They are just separate souls to whom I was attached due to my karma. But the closest are the Spiritual Master and Krsna.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for everything that you are doing for us.

Your humble servants,
Natabara dasa and Prema-Manjari devi dasi