Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Rohini-nandana dasa and Lilesvari devi dasi

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 68 views

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate romapada-svamin iti namine

Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of Your Divine Lotus Feet! All glories to You and all glories to Your beloved Spiritual master – His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa-puja celebrations, please accept my humble offering for my purification. I am genuinely grateful to you for having accepted me as your disciple, for connecting me to our glorious disciplic succession, and for genuinely extending to me the warmth, care and shelter under your lotus feet, dear Guru Maharaja.

I genuinely am thankful and appreciate your sincere and dedicated efforts to continuously travel and extend your valuable association and care for all us, throughout each year, dear Guru Maharaja. Despite all difficulties and challenges you face with your age and health, you travel to all the nooks and corners of this globe to extend your care and love to all of us, dear Guru Maharaja. I am very grateful for all the wonderful series of lectures and seminars you very thoughtfully prepare and meticulously present to all of us, dear Guru Maharaja. My heart is very fallen and frequently overwhelmed with a fallen attitude, like the Jagais and Madhais of this fallen age, and I sometimes feel very disqualified for all the care and warmth extended out to me, dear Guru Maharaja. By your grace and mercy, I am able to sincerely appreciate the knowledge, valuable guidance and care extended out to me, dear Guru Maharaja. I am especially very grateful for the wonderful series of lectures you presented to us this year – “Anatomy of Anarthas,” which has been one of my favorite series of lectures, as it is helping me very much in becoming aware of, realize, and avoid committing serious anarthas in my practice of sadhana bhakti. I am very grateful for your repeated summaries and questions and answers, highlighting important take-aways and practical application points throughout the different parts of the lecture series. I feel very inspired and confident that by sincerely striving to practice conscious sadhana and carefully staying within the protection of sadhu sanga, I can eventually overcome my anarthas, carefully execute my services, and progress forward in my sadhana bhakti, dear Guru Maharaja.

I initially felt overwhelmed with advanced topics like the Tattva Sandharba series of lectures, thinking it very complicated for my puny brain, but after attending your presentation, dear Guru Maharaja, I am very thankful and grateful to you for having presented it in a very palatable way such that my heart has been very moved and I am genuinely able to appreciate the value of Srimad-Bagavatam. I am very much inspired to regularly take shelter of the Srimad-Bhagavatam myself and make the best use of opportunities to discuss and relish it in the association of devotees. I am very grateful to my mentors, Her Grace Prema-tarangini Mataji and His Grace Sacikumara Prabhu, for their careful guidance and insistance to regularly take shelter of Srimad-Bhagavatam in my life, dear Guru Maharaja.

I am very thankful and grateful to you and all the wonderful devotees that organized the Dvaraka yatra this year, dear Guru Maharaja. My heart was very moved and I very much cherished the blessed opportunities for pilgrimage and darsana of the beautiful deity of Sri Ranchor Raya in Dakor and the wonderful, personable deity of Srinathji in Nathdwara, dear Guru Maharaja, and I very much thank you for Your wonderful lectures and narrations all throughout the yatra, dear Guru Maharaja. I am eagerly looking forward to take part in the next yatra to Ayodhya, dear Guru Maharaja.

On this auspicious occasion of Your divine appearance day, dear Guru Maharaja, I sincerely beg and pray to the supremely merciful Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to kindly bestow upon You and all Your loving disciples all His causeless mercy, good health, and cheer to earnestly serve and propagate the mission and vision of our beloved guru-parampara.

Thanking You,

Your humble servant,
Rohini-nandana dasa