Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

Sandhini devi dasi (China)

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 63 views

Dearmost father Romapada Swami Gurudeva,

On this auspicious day, I offer my respectful obeisance unto your lotus feet. All glories to Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement!

Recently, one after another things happened and in this condition, I could not write to you earlier. Taking this opportunity of Vyasa-puja offering, I would like to speak my mind to you. By your kindness, the team of devotees has become bigger and bigger and we are busy with organizing scriptural study for devotees and extending preaching activities.

Under GBCs’ active pushing, the devotees in Beijing organized the grand festival for celebrating 50th anniversary of ISKCON. By Guru’s grace, this festival was very successful. All of us felt inspired greatly. The new comers were very glad to meet many saints and hear many nectarean lectures as a result of which they felt a lot of purification.

After the festival, when I wanted to be relaxed for a while, unexpectedly, something bigger happened. The men of the village told me that the buildings on this piece of land would be removed. This was really like a thunder from the clear sky! I was very anxious! Before the contract was signed, I was told that there was no such plan to remove the buildings in this area. Now, because there will be a sport field for Winter Games nearby, therefore the government would transform this place into a public park. When we were looking for another place to move out, the landlord came and noticed that we renovated three yards very nicely. The landlord is a religious person. So he helped us persuade the officers not to remove our three yards. In the past one month, we had to continuously deal with the officers. The scene around our buildings was so distraught that it looked like the end of the world. In this condition, what we deeply experienced is that just as Queen Kunti taught, when one is in difficulty, one bears Krsna’s teachings in the mind. Indeed, when one is in danger, on whom can one depend? We can only pray to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Nrsimhadeva to protect us, to protect our temple from not being removed.

By the mercy of Guru and Srila Prabhupada, the officers agreed to not remove this temple. All the devotees live in the temple, regularly worship the Deities, practice sadhana nicely and pray to the Lord to protect the temple from not being disturbed. Guru Maharaja, please bless our New Braja temple to install Sri Sri Gaura Nitai Deities successfully. Please bless us to do service nicely, unite together and go forward in Krsna Consciousness!

Hope you are in good health and everything goes well!

Your humble servant,
Sandhini devi dasi