Satyavrata dasa and Krtamala devi dasi
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate romapada svamin iti namine
My dear Guru Maharaja!
Hare Krsna! Please accept our most humble obeisances in the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
On this auspicious appearance day, we humbly seek your blessings to express our heartfelt gratitude at your lotus feet for giving us shelter with so much love, care and affection. One feels very much secured, sheltered and protected when one is trusted, loved and cared for by his well-wisher. This principle is again and again illustrated in the pages of the Bhagavatam and the same we are experiencing under your shelter.
Maharaja! Today is a very special day for us to exclusively go deep into our hearts, search out the wonderful gifts we have received from you, express our gratitude from the core of our heart and take a commitment to live by the teachings imparted to us. Generally people are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always disturbed in this age. To bring the conditioned souls of this age at the lotus feet of Krsna is a great task and heavy responsibility for the magnanimous souls like you. On the other hand, unless the people are convinced and confident of the character of sadhus, they are not going to surrender. That’s why sastra says “dharma-sthapana-hetu sadhura vyavahara” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 17.185).
Maharaja! We see you as the emblem of a transcendental personality empowered with all godly qualities such as humility, tolerance, simplicity and so on. Anybody who comes in contact with you feels so much happy and satisfied. Your genuine care and concern for our progress in our spiritual life touches our heart. We are very grateful to you, Maharaja, for saving us from the burning fire of material existence and giving us opportunity to live a life of Vrndavana consciousness. We recollect your loving gestures, interactions and the teachings of your classes which sustain us to move forward in our spiritual life. On this auspicious day of your appearance we humbly seek your blessings to remain grateful servants eternally at your lotus feet.
Your aspiring servants,
Krtamala devi dasi and Satyavrata dasa