Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Sreedhar Shrinivasan

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 59 views

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are back to the United States because of your causeless mercy. I remember when I expressed my interest to stay in the association of devotees where we started our Krsna consciousness, you replied, “I also wish that you be here.” Krsna fulfilled your words and brought our family back.

I wrote many emails discussing my visa situation, and you patiently reviewed them and said to me, “I am not an expert in this subject.” You always say, “Do what you need to do, and do it as a service to Krsna.” I tried to fill in the gaps and Krsna helped me in many situations. I faced many challenges at every step, but no matter how simple or hard they were, Krsna lifted me up and put me in my next challenge. I tried not to be anxious, but I could not easily handle that.

I was not planning to make a trip to New York along with Parama Rupa Prabhu. I had some conflict and I said, “Sorry, I am not going to make it.” The schedule changed for Parama Rupa Prabhu, and he called me and asked if I could make it with the change. I felt something strong within me to go to New York. If I had missed the opportunity, I would have regretted it. Your class and the personal association with you were truly blissful.

I never thought thatI would get an opportunity to drive you. I am a slow driver compared to other devotees. Krsna gave me an opportunity to drive you in Boston for the Brandeis University program. The program was well received, and you humbly shared with me, “some service to the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”

Guru means heavy. You are kind, personal and also heavy in guiding me. I struggle to give straightforward answers to your questions, and yet you make me feel light. You are kind and make fun of me, like a father who plays with his young son. You made an arrangement by writing to the Temple President in Saint Louis for me to get prasadam and avoid eating food outside during my travel.

I am insignificant and aspiring to be sincere in Krsna consciousness. I am failing and yet trying again by your mercy. Please forgive my mistakes and retain me at your lotus feet so that I can qualify to be your sincere servant.

Your humble servant,
Sreedhar Srinivasan