Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Dhira devi dasi

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 72 views

I offer my obeisances to dear Gurudeva, Romapada Swami!

All glories to spiritual master Romapada Swami and Srila Prabhupada!

This is Dhira devi dasi, who received initiation on June 6th this year in Yantai, Shandong.

I have experienced many things in my life. Of all those the most important experience is meeting a spiritual mentor for the first time. I have met Guru Maharaja four times. I pray to Krsna to remember Him always in my mind. I would like to restore the spiritual identity depending on mercy.

Year after year, Guru Maharaja you travel thousands of miles across the sea to assist Lord Nityananda in saving the fallen souls as a service to our disciplic succession. I have asked myself countless times why am I so lucky, whether I have done any pious activities in this world, or Krsna gave me His mercy that I suddenly started to love reading books.

You love us, the seedlings, just like Krsna, but I have made you unhappy again and again. I know you have forgiven me every time, and I am very grateful for it. Guru Maharaja, Krsna has decorated you with all the nice qualities which He Himself has. I remember when I took shelter of you, I didn’t look at you. It was silly, but I was very satisfied and had such a great joy. In that class, my eyes caught your eyes. At that time, I felt my heart melted but my eyes moved away again. My poor life is unworthy of such blessings. I almost didn’t sleep the whole night when I received your letter last time, and I also didn’t sleep before initiation. Simply I shed tears of joy. The enhancement of relationship with Guru Maharaja surpasses everything.

I wish Guru Maharaja good health to perform greater service for your Gurudeva.

Your servant,

Dhira devi dasi