Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Girivara dhari dasa and Sriya devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 80 views

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur-unmīlitam yena tasmai śrī-gurave nama

 Our Guru Maharaja is already glorified; he does not need glorifications certainly not our glorification. To make our life auspicious, we glorify him.

 All ingredients used for this preparation of this dish (offerings) are pure and provided by merciful devotees around the world. I am just an instrument to assemble these ingredients present to Guru Maharaja. Please bless this offering, as a Tulasi leaf then it will be accepted.

Helping us to stand on our Vows: We have promised Maharaja during our initiation to read Srila Prabhupada books and follow his teachings. He is very kind and merciful to help us in fulfilling our promise. He reads Prabhupada books for us, whether we hear or not, or understand or not. He reads them every morning, if we miss in the morning, we can get a chance to hear in the evening. If we miss both the times, he provides access to his sound energy/ instructions/ blessings/ dust of his lotus feet any time on YouTube (no excuses). His mercy is so kind that he gives so many opportunities to hear his vani anytime and anywhere. He is the ocean of mercy; he asked us to promise, and he is working hard to fulfill our promise.

If you notice Maharaja’s class, Maharaja will ask questions on our behalf and answer them on his own. He understands that we do not get the subject and we may hesitate to ask him questions. Another mercy is, in academic class, after class is over, teacher ask questions to check if students learnt anything; here Maharaja is so kind that he takes questions from disciples and showers his mercy.

COVID and Devotee Association: Due to Pandemic, there were lot of challenges in associating with devotees; Maharaja has opened a new way to connect with devotees using Youtube/facebook/Zoom. This time he opened his heart beyond local and gave access to his entire family including national and international devotees.

Compassion: It is his compassion on fallen jivas to make us hear krsna-katha or krsna-nama one or other way? Why he wants us to listen to krsna-katha? – Pariksit Maharaja got liberated just hearing krsna-katha for a week, Ajamila got an opportunity of liberation just once listening Lord’s name unconsciously, In Ramayana, Sampati got his wings just listening to rama-nama and got service for the Lord.

I am seeking mercy from all merciful devotees to join me to beg mercy of Srila Prabupada, our acarya, Lord Krsna and Radharani to bless our acaryadeva for his health and mercy such that his vani (Sound energy) resounds in our ears each and every moment. acaryadeva is paduka of the Lord, disciplic succession and Srila Prabhupada. paduka – According to paduka sahasram written by Sri Vedanta Desika (Sri Vaisnava acarya) – Lord’s paduka is more powerful than Lord Himself, Lords paduka holds lord in him and has ruled Ayodhya with no flaws for 13 years.

As a most insignificant mortal souls, on behalf of devotees we are seeking shelter of dust of our acaryadeva’s lotus feet. In Ramayana, we have seen power of dust of lotus feet of the Lord, Ahalya, got liberated with touch of the dust of the Lord’s Lotus feet. We are humbly begging for service to your paduka, please bless us with potency as well to execute the service. We do not have any capability of our own to deliver your service/instructions. Thank you!

Your servants,

Sriya devi dasi and Girivara dhari dasa