Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Gopavrndapala dasa

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 63 views

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate romapada-svamin iti namine

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine


jaya sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu nityananda

sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasa-puja.

Maharaja, I want to thank you from bottom of my heart for accepting me as your disciple. Thank you for accepting my request and initiating me on January 1st 2020 (exactly two years before this day) at Fort Lauderdale, before I returned to India due to visa expiry. Because of your blessings on initiation, I am able to continue chanting sixteen rounds and following the four regulative principles. Otherwise, I am pretty sure that I would NOT have continued on this spiritual path as I do not have much physical association of devotees here in India as I am working in my native place due to COVID situation and we don’t have an ISKCON temple nearby.

Also, it is only by your causeless mercy that I could read the Bhagavad-gita with my family and some interested people in my village.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaja for all you did for me and my family. My deepest gratitude to you.

Your humble servant,

Gopavrndapala dasa