Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Hrilekha devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 104 views

My dear Guru Maharaja, this is a prayer written to you in Vyasa-puja.

Before I write a prayer for you, I close my eyes and pray to you. I don’t know to write gorgeous vocabulary; I just want to write the true feelings in my heart. The last time I wrote a prayer for you, it seemed like yesterday, but after a whole year, time really faded quickly. A few months ago, the devotee sent us your Vrndavan yatra plan. How excited all of us are. We can go to the pilgrimage to Vrndavan and have personal association with you. We are very excited to sign up. But based on the current situation of the epidemic, it seems that our dream of going to Vrndavan this year will be shattered again.

Last time on your Vyasa-puja day, I asked for your prayer to Srila Prabhupada from a devotee. When I shared the theme of the meaning of Vyasa-puja for devotees, I first read the letter you wrote to Srila Prabhupada for devotees. I was moved to tears. All the listeners present were moved by your letter, and at the same time they were greatly purified. I am thinking about the meaning of each of your words over and over again. You are at a spiritually transcendent level, you are at a spiritual height, You have always had a strong connection with Srila Prabhupada in your heart, and you have always kept his mission in mind. These are the beacons in your heart. We take shelter under your lotus feet because we are so weak and humble.

I think before we go to India, we can only associate with you through listening to lectures in Zoom and writing a letter with you. We pray that one day we can reunite in Vrndavan.

At present, several of us devotees get up early in the morning and chant japa together in Zoom, and then learn Bhagavad-gita’s Sanskrit verses together. We recite these Sanskrit verses every day, and then we learn the Sanskrit spelling, reading and writing, and grammar together every morning. In total, I have 3.5 hours to study scripture and associate with devotees every morning, and then I go to work. I get off work very late every day, and I often get tired, but because of the association and study with devotees every morning, I receive inspiration and support. I have a day off every Sunday, so I can associate with devotees on Sunday, and we can learn Srimad-Bhagavatam together. I also take the course of Bhakti-sastri online, and now we are learning the eighteenth chapter of Bhagavad-gita; the systematic study of this course has also brought me great purification. In this material world, life is always full of struggles and challenges, but because of Krsna consciousness, we remain patient with everything and stand in Krsna consciousness. If we observe this material world from the perspective and light of Krsna consciousness, it gives us great confidence and relief from anxiety. As your disciple, you have always been a beacon and a beam of light in my heart.

I offer my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

Your humble servant and disciple,

Hrilekha devi dasi