Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

Manasvini devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 57 views

My dear Guru Maharaja Romapada Swami,

O, my spiritual master and father! Please accept respectful obeisances of this humble soul to Your lotus feet!

On 11th July 2019, in a Yoga Studio in Beijing, when our teacher Tungavidya was leading us in a kirtana, you entered the Yoga Studio, at that time, all the audience present turned their face towards you seeing your tall, handsome form, your effulgent face and in response you nodded smilingly. I looked at you, Gurudeva, and tears started to flow from my eyes, then I looked down and asked myself “Is this the spiritual father I’m looking for? Why am I shedding tears?” I silently wiped away my tears and raised up my head to look at you again. By the time you were already sitting on vyasasana, but you were still smiling and appeared very amiable and easy to approach. Looking at you, tears started to come out again then I hurriedly lowered my head and a sense of happiness arouse spontaneously in my heart.

On the next day, in a school, I was part of the last group to arrive for the program. By then you had already started the class. I found a place to sit down and listened your lecture. The instruction you gave to all of us was to read more, read grandfather Srila Prabhupada’s books. When the class ended, you personally distributed maha-prasadam to everyone. Later, Sandhini Mama and Surabhi Mataji brought me to see you, Gurudeva and I expressed my desire to take shelter of your lotus feet.

On 13th in the Beijing center, you gave everyone of us your association and mercy.

Whenever I recall those three days of association, I feel a sense of happiness. All this is due to your kindness.

On 4th October 2020, I took initiation from you and you gave me spiritual name Manasvini devi dasi. So, I took a rebirth and became your disciple, a soul surrendered unto you. Due to the pandemic, I’m not getting any chance to associate with you personally.

May Guru Maharaja live long and healthy. May your happiness be as immense as the Eastern Sea. Happy birthday to you!

Please accept my humble obeisances. I beg you to forgive my offenses on the way back home. I pray for your merciful presence and help in correcting my mistakes.

Thank You! Thank You with grateful heart!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Guru Maharaja Romapada Swami.

Your disciple,

Manasvini devi dasi