Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Pran Gauranga dasa and Dana Ghati devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 95 views

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our respectful humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Your Divine Grace!

Vyasa-puja is a very joyous occasion. It gives us an opportunity to formally express our appreciation for the mercy we have received from Your Divine Grace—a pure representative of Krsna. It also facilitates deeper contemplation on Your wonderful glories.

Guru Maharaja, it is our greatest fortune that we have somehow come into Your association and shelter. Our lives have thus changed for the good. We have been living our lives in illusion and You have brought the torchlight of knowledge. You have provided us knowledge about the Absolute Truth and the means to serve that Absolute Truth. Not only that, You are showing by Your personal example how the life which is cent percent dedicated in service of the Absolute Truth looks like. Your personal example is most inspiring. Your commitment and steadiness in executing devotional service gives us so many lessons. We are very grateful to have this opportunity to associate with You.

Scriptures teach us that the means for perfection for a conditioned soul is only one, viz. association of and service to saintly devotees. Srila Prabhupada taught us that there are two ways to do this: through vapuh and through vani. While both ways of serving a devotee are important, it is the vani seva that takes precedence. There may be some obstruction in taking vapuh association of the spiritual master but vani has no such obstruction. Vani seva is eternal. When a disciple with eager ears hears the vani of the spiritual master, he feels connected with the spiritual master.

It has been nearly two years since this unprecedented pandemic has gripped the entire world. And it has put a lot of restrictions on taking Your vapuh association. However, as far as vani association is concerned, there has been no such obstruction. We are simply amazed seeing the speed with which Your lectures flow into our inbox. You have covered so many topics from Srimad-Bhagavatam and other scriptures. So many presentations and retreats have been conducted. We are in awe always of how much taste and enthusiasm You have for studying Srimad Bhagavatam and for sharing its message with all of us. Your desire to glorify Krsna is unlimited.

Your vani has the power to remove all our attachments and destroy our illusion. We are confident that simply by giving eager ears to Your lectures, we will be taken out of the darkness of illusion in which we are currently stuck. On this most auspicious occasion of Your Vyasa-puja, we pray only for this one benediction: let us continue to hear Your vani everyday with great reverence and faith. We wish to recommit ourselves to this.

Please forgive us for our shortcomings and mistakes.

Your insignificant servants,

Pran Gauranga dasa and Dana Ghati devī dasī