Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Sandha devi dasi

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 62 views

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble obeisances unto the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I want to say thank you for everything – for your wonderful services, morning and evening classes like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Uddhava-gita, lectures on special occasions such as festival times, Sunday feast lectures, and the special events on long weekends. I like all of your classes, especially your Chinese classes that have a lot of PowerPoint presentations. It is easy for me to understand while seeing PowerPoint. I also like your canto-wise explanations of Srimad-Bhagavatam. We missed Kartika yatra this last year but this year you will take us on a virtual tour we are happy for that.

You are traveling and preaching, not worried about Corona virus. Your lectures give a lot of strength to me when my sadhana goes down. I remember a few things from your present and earlier lectures:

  • Quality of chanting, Doer of Bhagavad-gita, and Balarama pastimes: Balarama in Dvaraka.
  • I am not there; welcome to club; be in the moment; sadhu-sanga and take baby steps to achievegoals, take shelter of Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita.

After each class you request the audience to ask questions: online or live. You always answer them immediately with a smile. You understand the point of the audience and you reply based on age, from small children to all age groups. Without asking questions, my questions are answered.

You are compassionate to everyone and you respect everyone honor everyone based on age. I appreciate this quality and you always instruct: be in the mode of goodness and forgive others, be with family, serve everyone, do your duties. I am learning so many things I need to apply in my life. Also, I learned a lot from Prahlada Maharaja pastimes, Ramayana pastimes, and learning from twenty-four gurus and Uddhava-gita: detachment, Krsna is to be pleased, mind is to be fixed in Krsna and while chanting, mantra is in mind and mind is in mantra.

Thank you once again for everything. Praying at your lotus feet to give me strength that I can follow in your footsteps and surrender to your lotus feet and be in association of devotees and always engage in the service of sadhus, vaisnavas and all devotees of Krsna.

Thank you,

Your servant,
Sandha devi dasi