Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Sikhandini devi dasi

Estimated reading: 1 minute 107 views

Respected and dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

On the occassion of your Vyasa-puja, I want to express my feelings of gratitude.

I am very insignificant but you are so compassionately showering your blessings on me.

You possess divine qualities. You have provided so many arrangements in our lives which support me to continue on spiritual path. Your recorded lectures of ‘Festival of Holy Name’ are helping me a lot. By your mercy, I am trying my best to chant japa mindfully.

Guru Maharaja, please always keep me under your divine shelter.

Thank you very much.

Your servant,
Sikhandini devi dasi