Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

2022 Homages from aspiring disciples and well-wishers

Nie Shihe

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 50 views

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my most sincere obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Nowadays, the material world where we are living is afflicted with endless fights and rampant viruses. As a spiritual master coming from the disciplic succession originated from the Lord himself, you have opted to steer us out of the turbulent ocean on the strength of transcendental descriptions. Day in day out, through online classes, you are describing us the wonderful pastimes of Radha and Krsna. By these descriptions, you are teaching us the scientific knowledge of Krsna consciousness, and moreover, you are calling for all of us to love Krsna.

As Krsna’s friend, you are constantly saving those souls fallen in the bitter ocean of birth and death.

You are an authentic spiritual master. You are very merciful to your disciples and aspiring disciples to give them real spiritual understanding.

In August last year, you accepted me as a servant at your lotus feet. You gave me clear-cut instructions on my doubts. I’m aware of the importance of taking shelter of a spiritual master and getting his initiation, but I don’t feel the urge to do it. To this you said: “You must look inside and find out the reason.” Following your instructions, I’m trying to look inside. Unfortunately, material concepts are blocking my vision to see clearly the reasons.

I thank you for giving us constant nectar of knowledge: Srimad-Bhagavatam canto 10, lives of the sages, Bhagavad-gita values, Sri Manah-siksa, among others. By listening to your lectures, I become aware of my inner pride, jealousy, greed, hypocrisy and illusion, as well as my false ego, attachment and fear. It’s been a year since I took shelter of you. I deeply experience that you are lighting my eyes with the torch of knowledge. Now I can see the piles of impurities in my heart, my meager pious activities, and poor faith in the holy name and the Vaisnavas. All these can explain why my understanding of the importance of spiritual initiation is only on the theoretical level.

I am so slow and stupid, most disqualified for an initiation. However, I will never waver on the determination to do devotional services. I hope not only this life, but lives after lives, I can go on the path of devotional services. I hanker for your continuous mercy so that I will never slack on the way.

Please mercifully accept the sincere obeisances from this fallen soul.
Bhaktin Nie Shihe