Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

2022 Homages from aspiring disciples and well-wishers


Estimated reading: 6 minutes 53 views

My Dear Guru Maharaja,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my most humble and most respectful obeisances unto dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It was last year when I got reconnected with you after a long gap. Due to my extreme foolishness and independent mentality, I struggled badly in complete clutches of maya. You very mercifully accepted me with the same love and deeper concern. This reminds me that only through divine arrangements of Krsna and His causeless mercy one gets shelter of spiritual master. By your causeless mercy since the day, we got connected, we constantly feel a divine bondage keeping us attracted to you and Krsna. Guru Maharaja, we don’t expect a reply from you to our monthly reports. But the most nectarian treasures in our life are your merciful responses only. We read so many things to uplift our consciousness, but just meditating on your kind words make us uplifted very quickly every time. Your message remains ever fresh and divine. You have never failed to give us a response. We are also grateful to you for your special address to our groups in spite of your hectic schedule and your ill health. You are so patient and tolerant with each one of us.

I was just comparing my life just one year before meeting you. I was an irresponsible son, clueless father and a very harsh husband. I could easily see and analyze now that without a shelter of spiritual master, I was just like a street dog, being beaten with maya anytime and everywhere. I am understanding after coming in your contact about my responsibilities and have a desire to make my dependents like parents, wife and son to not suffer and get exploited due to my sense gratification tendencies. We all have learnt to serve each other in relation to guru and Krsna. Krsna’s words in Bhagavad-gita about a little progress in spiritual path is never lost.

Guru Maharaja I am very grateful to you for last year Vrndavana virtual yatra. Inspite of so many obstacles like hard disk crashing at crucial days, spending hours and hours of re- preparation, you presented Vrndavana in the super best form. You always carry Vrndavana in your heart and we all could experience it. Surely it will not be an exaggeration if I will say that Krsna wanted it to be virtual rather than physical. Your presentation, collection of photos, beautiful slides and detailed explanation of each places made us believe the power of spiritual process. Darshan of places like Vrndavana is totally independent of the limitation of material senses; it depends on purity of the speaker and inducing us to relish it submissively. You also gave us so detailed seminar on Manah-siksa. In one group discussions, we heard that you plan everything so much in advance that we can’t ever imagine. You had mentioned about Manah-siksa earlier and you made us aware about these wonderful teachings of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami in such a practical way. Thank you so much Guru Maharaja.

Your quality of deeply appreciating your God brothers is really amazing and very exemplary. In almost in all of your talk you glorify services of your god brothers and their qualities. You’re playing video messages and mentioning their glorious activities, mentioning about your disciples’ realizations during your lectures. This shows your utter humility and very deep regards for others services. Prabhupada’s statement that your cooperation after me will decide your love for me. This we can see practically in all of your activities. Your dependability and loyalty to Srila Prabhupada words are amazing. You speak exactly similar. Since last year we are systematically hearing Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita lectures. It is very inspiring to see the incredible similarity of mood, tone and even sometimes word by word is also matched. Your every lecture tells exact wordings of Srila Prabhupada, anecdotes between the lecture is explained with so much love, answers to our questions are looking as if directly coming from Prabhupada’s mouth. I never regret that I could not see Prabhupada, because I always see him in you. You always show by your example to be always situated in platform of servant. Your answer to “role of mentor” question while addressing our group in one word “servant” shows that how much importance you give to service attitude.

Your mood of devotion to Vrndavana dhama is extra ordinary. We are very grateful to you for inspiration and blessings to aspire to stay at Vrndavana in future. Your merciful reply and blessings in one word answer “proceed” for seeking permission to take a property at Vrndavana was another protection for all generation to come. We are proceeding by your mercy and will always take these blessings in our heart to proceed further in my surrender and quality of service. You always instructed us for inward cultivation and never asked or encouraged us for volumes of external services.

You missed speaking about Lord Balarama due to your ill health on His appearance day. I could see your intense desire to glorify the original spiritual master. Among so many participants you could recognize our wall picture of Lord Balarama. You beautifully connected the “pranipatena” verse that day with Lord Balarama. I am very grateful to you for accepting me as your disciple. Reciprocation of yours is so deep Maharaja; it left impression in the heart removing all the past bad impressions.

Your deep humility is so touching. You never allow anyone to glorify you, but today I took liberty to glorify you with my impure heart and limited understanding for my purification. Please accept my offering. I pray to Krsna that in every lifetime I should be getting you as my spiritual master. You are so lovingly following your spiritual master. I always remember Prabhupada’s speaking that one moon is better than millions of stars. Fortunately, Krsna blessed Prabhupada with so many moons. Prabhupada has got so many moons like you for serving each universe separately. Maharaja, falling at your lotus feet I also aspire to become a humble servant. Please make me engaged in your service. I pray to Krsna for your good health and sincerely waiting to take your darshana, touch the dust of your lotus feet, hear from you about various pastimes and grabbing the opportunity to serve you in the upcoming yatra.

Please forgive me for my all offenses 

Your aspiring servant,