Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Advaita Candra dasa, Krsna Priya devi dasi, Madanmohan, and Archana

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 80 views

Our dear and respected Guru Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances at your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

On this auspicious occasion of your appearance day, we want to share with you our meditations on one of your outstanding qualities as a spiritual master, as a leader, and as a loving father – which is your ability to extend protection to conditioned souls like us who are always in anxiety and fear.

Three events and memories come to mind:

1. In 2004, while I (Advaita Candra dasa) was at Penn State, our Vedic Society team had organized a huge festival on campus called “Transcendence” with $30,000+ funding from Penn State. It was critical that we put on a great show without any disruptions. However, the ritviks descended on campus and wanted to sow seeds of confusion. I remember how you (behind-the-scenes) jumped into action and worked with His Holiness Candrasekhara Svami and His Grace Madhuha prabhu to keep the ritviks at bay. It was my first glimpse into your quality of protecting Srila Prabhupada’s institution and fledgling followers from evil influences.

2. Last year, in one of the home programs here in Connecticut, an attendee asked about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)—a hot topic in corporate world/schools today that focuses on providing personalized care and opportunities to everyone regardless of race, gender etc. You did not try to please the crowd. Rather, your response was direct. Without Krsna consciousness, initiatives like DEI—however well-intentioned they may be—would simply be human-driven God projects with limited impact. Your spiritual answer was an extension of your spiritual protection for the audience, including us. Later, when we were driving, you asked (out of your humility) whether you were too direct. I shared that – the audience needed to hear that. Thank you, again!

3. More recently, you reached out asking what could be done in Connecticut’s colleges to keep ritviks at bay. Once again, your ability to offer protection to ISKCON’s faithful followers shone through brilliantly.

Madanmohan also remembers how you extended protection to all the kids here in Connecticut by offering them guidance on how to stay Krsna conscious during their time in schools.

Thank you, Guru Maharaja!

Your aspiring servants,
Advaita Candra dasa, Krsna Priya devi dasi, Madanmohan, and Archana