Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Damodara Vilasa dasa and Priti-krt devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 68 views

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate romapada-svamin iti namine


My Dearest and Most Respected Guru Maharaja and eternal father,

Please accept our most humble and respectful obeisances in the dust of your most merciful lotus feet! All glories to you, Guru Maharaja! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Guru Maharaja, on this very auspicious day I take the opportunity to glorify Your wonderful qualities with my limited vision. Your qualities are oceanic; today we would like to meditate on two jewel qualities gratefulness and commitments.

Guru Maharaja, You felt so much gratefulness towards receiving Krsna consciousness gift from Your spiritual master Srila Prabhupada that it does not just remain a sentiment feeling rather in turn You dedicated Your full life to serve his mission. You made commitment for lifelong service to Your spiritual master which is unwavering.

Similar way Your commitment to Your disciples and well-wishers is unwavering. You make unconditionally all necessary arrangements for spiritual well-being and nourishments through Your nonstop krsna-katha, personal exchanges and representatives.

Since I met You two decades ago many things in my life has been changing except one thing Your commitment for my well-being in all possible ways even You saved me by going out of the way.

Guru Maharaja, there are many disciples across the world who are very honestly following and working significantly to contribute in Your service to Srila Prabhupada mission. I am a struggling disciple who is willing to sincerely commit this life in Your service.

You taught us – “Gratitude is seed of love”. When this grows it turns into loving service unto whom we feel grateful and indebted.

Here in Indore by Your kind mercy we are getting association of dear devotees and opportunities to share Krsna consciousness with others through book distribution, prasadam and further conducting bhakti steps program for interested fortunate souls.

On this auspicious day, we beg for some drops of Your mercy from these oceanic qualities of Gratitude and commitment. So, in turn we can serve sincerely and honestly from heart whatever opportunities Krsna has provided in our life.

krpa-bindu diya, koro’ ei dase,
trnapekha ati hina
sakala sahane, bala diya koro’,
nija-mane sprha-hina

“Gurudeva! With a drop of mercy make this servant of yours humbler than a blade of grass. Give me the strength to bear all trials and troubles, and free me from all desire for honor.”

Gurudeva, O spiritual master! Give to this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.

Thank You very much for Your kind shelter.


Begging to eternally remain Your humble servants,
Damodara Vilasa dasa and Priti-krt devi dasi