Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Madanmohan dasa

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 71 views

Dear and respected Maharaja,

Hare Krsna! Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada!

I am very fortunate to be able to write an offering for your Vyasa-puja celebration. To connect with a pure Vaisnava like you is what keeps me in this process of Krsna consciousness (darsane pavitra karo – ei tomara guna). Hearing your lectures is the most important Krsna consciousness activity day in and day out. Without this I would have been wiped out from the Krsna consciousness map. So, my only significant service every day is how attentively and submissively I hear your lectures. That is how pure and powerful are you and your lectures. Although every day you give minimum two lectures, the freshness, the purity, the connection with the Supreme, your deep desire to help us connect to the Supreme, all these and many more are bountifully packed into those minutes. I cannot glorify your lectures more.

You have come to this world to become an example manifesting truly wonderful Vaisnava qualities. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can distract you at any time of a day, week, month or year. Absolute goodness’ unique manifestation is what I experience in your association. In this totally corrupt world, even very good practitioners can become distracted by the vagaries of life. So, it really is pleasantly astonishing seeing your focus and continuity. Like a tree laden with fruits bows down more and more, as years pass by, we see your humility, tolerance, forgiveness, etc. only increase more and more.

Earlier I was unable to hear for any length of time the pastimes of Krsna and His incarnations. I was justifying it thinking that lila comes at the end of the sequence nama-rupa-guna-lila, i.e., as I become more and more realized, I will be able to benefit from hearing the pastimes more and more. But I also had heard that even neophytes can and should hear Lord’s pastimes from bona fide sources. I was trying to extract philosophical points from the pastimes thinking that philosophy is what matters most. Anyway, recently I made a point to carefully hear your lectures everyday which are packed with pastimes of the Lord. Gradually I am getting a taste to hear these pastimes, and benefit from them not just the philosophy in them but also just by hearing and trying to memorize Lord’s pastimes. And now I can firmly say that I am looking forward to hearing Lord’s pastimes. This change happened because I heard those pastimes from you.

Please forgive my offenses. On your Vyasa-puja celebration occasion I sincerely pray to the Lord for your good health so that the whole world will immensely benefit from your true devotion to the Lord and from your truly wonderful Vaisnava qualities and Vaisnava relationships.

Your aspiring servant,
Madanmohan dasa