Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Rasakrida dasa

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 41 views

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisance unto your lotus feet!! All glories to Sri Sri Radha Madhava Hari and Gauranga!

Every year brings different challenges and year 2022 was no different. It presented the unique challenge that opened up my eyes on importance of “relationships”. I was looking for some answers and I learned from your “acara (behavior)”. I couldn’t attend in person your home program in Phoenix. I was amazed how you remembered insignificant fool like me among all your disciples and called me despite your busy schedule to know my whereabouts. That gesture touched my heart and you taught me an important lesson about relationship. You told me that “When you are in relationship, you have to find the time”. When life presented the challenge, I kept repeating your quote and your gesture gives me the strength You always find the time to communicate with your disciples. My wife is disciple of His Holiness Giriraj Swami Maharaja, you remembered and shared memories for her. She was also very touched by this gesture!!!

We never met Srila Prabhupada, but I can get a glimpse of his love and compassion through you. I am very grateful to Srila Prabhupada and you for giving shelter to me. I pray at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Madhava Hari and disciplic succession to give blessings so I can be useful in your mission. 

Your insignificant servant,
Rasakrida dasa