Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Savitri devi dasi

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 65 views

Most respected Maharaja,

Hare Krsna! Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your divine self.

Maharaja, on this auspicious day we thank the Supreme Lord for giving us your shelter and transcendental association. Our sincere prayers at the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord for your good health. Thank you so much for your regular online classes which was very instrumental in increasing our connection to you and to make us feel motivated to move forward in the path of bhakti. You speak with so much gravity and calmness that the agitated mind always become quiet, hearing you.

Every week we study Bhagavad-gita together with a devotee. Recently we read the series of verses where Krsna is describing the qualities of a sthita-prajna or a steady state muni. I could only think of your example. With each passing day kali-yuga’s influence can be perceived even more and more and to remain undisturbed in such situation is becoming so challenging. You have so many services on top of it. But still, you pass through all turbulences with such unique calmness. We also experience this during visits where you tolerate all material and spiritual inconveniences that we give you so easily with complete focus on your services. You neither look for praise nor are affected by immature behavior from us. Our poor Krsna consciousness and complacency in applying instructions doesn’t stop you from showing us mercy. Srimad Bhagavatam says devotional service should be done without any motivation and continuously. We see in you a living example of this.

You kept on giving classes all throughout this pandemic going from one place to another with the same single pointed focus. Repeatedly questions were asked on how to deal with difficult situations with near and dear one going through real tough situation during this pandemic. Although you showed your empathy and compassion towards them through your answers yet with such clarity to see everything with a very clear perspective.

Again, one of the symptoms of kali-yuga is there will be quarrel over trifles starting with fault finding tendencies. Most inspiring is how you always warned us against it rather showed by your own example what pleases Krsna is genuine appreciation of devotees. You relish so much hearing appreciation of others and time and again appreciate other’s Krsna consciousness with heart and soul. In a very simple and humble way you are touching the hearts of many like me and inspiring us to remain focused in the substance and not get carried by the externalities. Thank you so much for all your causeless mercy in always encouraging and inspiring us in spite of our very poor reciprocation. Again, on this auspicious day I sincerely pray to the Supreme Lord for your health and protect you from all obstacles abundantly present in kali-yuga. I pray to the most merciful Lord to enable me to be a surrendered devotee for your pleasure. Please forgive me for my lack of sincerity and all offenses that I might have committed knowingly or unknowingly. Thanking you for all your causeless mercy.

Yours very fallen yet aspiring disciple,
Savitri devi dasi