Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Raghava Caitanya dasa

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 47 views

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate romapada-svamin iti namine

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah

mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim
yat-krpa tam aham vande sri gurum dina-taranam

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains.”

At the lotus feet of dear Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your Vyasa-puja and all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I would like to start my offerings with the verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.29.51, where it’s mentioned that spiritual master is none other than Krsna

sa vai priyatamas catma
yato na bhayam anv api
iti veda sa vai vidvan
yo vidvan sa gurur harih

 “One who is engaged in devotional service has not the least fear in material existence. This is because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul and friend of everyone. One who knows this secret is actually educated, and one thus educated can become the spiritual master of the world. One who is an actually bona fide spiritual master, representative of Krsna, is not different from Krsna.”

From the purport: One who is a spiritual master in accordance with the above descriptions of devotional service is to be understood as the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally present. According to the words mentioned here (gurur harih), consulting a bona fide spiritual master means consulting the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally. One should therefore take shelter of such a bona fide spiritual master. Success in life means accepting a spiritual master who knows Krsna as the only supreme beloved personality. One should worship such a confidential devotee of the Lord.

My dear Gurudeva, how can I thank you for all that you have given me and continuously giving the knowledge to dissipate ignorance. Either day or night, rain or shine; like Krsna, you never get tired. Sometimes you give classes three or four times a day, we just have to be there to take the nectar. In the most recent sthita prajna in the workplace class, you asked us to do the homework – “Try for one week to not criticize anyone or anything at least verbally e.g. not even saying ‘this stupid desk or door’ and try seeing things as Krsna’s mercy in the practical way.”

I am constantly, remembering the sweet and wonderful experiences of Vrndavana yatra, particularly one during Govardhana parikrama when you tried to run faster than all the devotees in a playful mood, similar to Krsna with his friends.

When will I get qualified to serve my Krsna?

Raghava Caitanya dasa