Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship


Savitri devi dasi

Estimated reading: 4 minutes 50 views

Dear and respected Maharaja,

Hare Krsna! Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all glories to your divine self.

On this auspicious day, I sincerely pray to the all-merciful Lord to always protect you and provide you with good health. It is so amazing to see you being so exemplary in fulfilling the desire of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the mission of Srila Prabhupada. Even during the difficult and challenging times of covid not fearing about your life, you have boldly gone out of the way to preach to the new people and given your valuable association to aspiring devotees like us. It definitely was challenging given the restrictions and unpredictable nature of the disease and the way it was spreading. But you found ways and means to reach out to all of us and keep us inspired and motivated. Even now you take so much risk to go to places where even a young materialist would think twice before planning to go. Your commitment to the mission of Srila Prabhupada shakes us to get out of our comfort zone and dedicate ourselves even more.

You once mentioned how you like to serve. It is very heart touching and inspiring to see this getting manifested in each and every aspect of your life. During the last yatra no one could imagine you had an aching body as you served us with so many classes traveling with us to all the places and in being there at the forefront during the most exciting of all – Govardhana-parikrama. You are always there for each and everyone of us to help us out of any confusion when we are lost in maya through your very prompt replies to our letters and messages. Giving us so much attention in addressing our questions of mind and heart in the classes. It is amazing to see how carefully and humbly you try to understand the question to serve us the best. It was overwhelming to see how you accepted to give a class especially addressing our local community of godsiblings. As we can see on YouTube, you do that for whoever requests you. Your ever eagerness to serve Prabhupada by very readily giving us your association is extremely heart touching. Even more is the fact that you are very flexible with the timings to accommodate our convenience.

Associating with your wonderful Vaisnava qualities has always been very enlivening. Leading a very very simple life completely focused on the goal with minimum expectation from the disciples is beyond my imagination in this age and time. It’s a joy to hear your classes full of depth and compassion. Your classes reflects complete honesty and transparency in passing on the teachings of acaryas. Thank you so much for giving us clear understanding. This gives us the confidence and clarity in sharing these precious messages to others. The greatest struggle for a conditioned soul is to always see good in others. It is extremely inspiring to see you so heartily glorifying devotees and recommending other speakers’ classes to all of us. It is through the examples of pure souls like you that Krsna gives us a taste for developing these wonderful qualities which are very pleasing to Him. On this auspicious day I sincerely pray that realizations of yours reach more souls far and wide to benefit them. May Lord Nrsimha-deva protect you in all challenging situations which invariably come in this Kali-yuga. Sincerely praying to the Lord to enable us in reciprocating to all the hard work you have done for us to give you joy and happiness. Please forgive me for my laxity and complacency and the offenses committed in writing this offering. Extremely grateful to you for all your causeless mercy to me and my family.

Thanking you,

Yours very fallen yet aspiring servant,
Savitri devi dasi