Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Romapada Swami Vyasa Puja

Feelings of gratitude are the beginnings of loving relationship

2024 Homages from aspiring disciples and well-wishers

Radha Krsna dasa

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 23 views

Hare Krsna Romapada Swami Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Srimad-Bhagavatam 9.5.16 says:

puman bhavati nirmalah
tasya tirtha-padah kim va
dasanam avasisyate

 What is impossible for the servants of the Lord? By the very hearing of His holy name one is purified.

 It is said that one is supremely purified simply by hearing Krsna’s holy name. Who can imagine the purifying power of those who are constantly engaged in service to His lotus feet? What is impossible for such devotees?

Maharaja, the verse speaks about devotees like your good self. They are always seeking ways to help and give their association to those who are struggling in this material world. Similarly, you are always doing your best to engage many devotees in Srila Prabhupada’s mission by organizing seminars, holy dhama and holy name retreats as well as encouraging qualified devotees to take up responsible services within ISKCON.

Because you study the sastras so well and have an amazing grasp of our Krsna conscious philosophy, you can give good advice to all who come to you for making advancement. Coupled with the philosophy, you have developed nice realizations so much so that you are able to encourage devotees to reduce their attachment to material things, sense gratification, family and material positions and to increase their attachment in services to Srila Prabhupada’s mission and to the holy Name. In this regard, I have seen how those who follow your instructions make very nice advancement in their Krsna consciousness and those who do not keep struggling unfortunately. They are not aware of your ability to take them back to Godhead. According to Padma Purana, one who thinks that the spiritual master is an ordinary man is said to live in hell!

There are many so called spiritual gurus out there; they take advantage of their disciples and plunder them. They exploit their disciples for sex, and use them to amass wealth, but a guru who can remove the miseries of his disciples is very rare. Maharaja, you are such a genuine and bona fide guru in our sampradaya. You are always traveling from one side of the world to the other, despite your hectic schedule as a leader in ISKCON, all just to help devotees make advancement in their Krsna consciousness.

A few months back you mercifully wrote me a birthday wish:

Bhagavad-gita Chapter Thirteen teaches us that the four essential miseries of material life include birth, which we traditionally celebrate. That may seem odd. However, the real purpose of a human birth is to utilize our human existence to go beyond the cycle of birth and death. May you be successful in this one lifetime of fulfilling this purpose!”

Thank you for that wish. Thank you for making it clear what is important in our present lives. Thank you for always wishing well to all your followers, well-wishers and disciples.

Keep us in your prayers.

Happy birthday!

Your servant,
Radha Krsna dasa