Padmamalini devi dasi
Dear Guru Maharaja!
Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.
Thanks to the kindness and protection of my dear Guru Maharaja, I have been able to get closer to the residence of Krsna!
It was last July when I met Guru Maharaja. Meditating on the kind and gentle voice and smile of Guru Maharaja, how fortunate it is to have met my father for all eternity!
In the past year, I have continued to listen to your lectures, which has enabled me to grow continuously under your guidance. I know to act in Krsna consciousness. I am not this body, I am the soul. I have never possessed anything, everything belongs to Lord Krsna. Lord Krsna is the creator and destroyer of all matter. The Lord is immortal and eternal. And we are only a part of the Lord. We have forgotten about our relationship with the Supreme. Only through your kindness, dear Guru Maharaja, can I become a devotee of the Lord and slowly recover through devotional service to the Lord. We will always be servants of the Lord’s servants.
Thank you, dear Guru Maharaja! Because of your mercy, I am able to walk home! As your puja is about to arrive, I unfortunately cannot go to offer a face-to-face prayer, so I can only offer my wishes and prayers from afar, from thousands of miles away.
I wish dear Guru Maharaja good health and shining with the sun and moon. I pray to the pure and flawless master of Goloka, the supreme controller, that my dear Guru Maharaja receives His mercy and protection at all times and everywhere!
A disciple surrendered to you,
Your servant’s servant’s servant,
Padmamalini devi dasi